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Vidharth as the grey shaded protagonist underplays his emotions really well. The supporting cast including Pooja Devariya, Rahman, Nasser, Aishwarya Rajesh… A huge potential that could have a better thriller is let down by its mediocre writing towards the end. A twist for the sake of shocking audience is useless. 8. 4/10 An interesting film with a plot that more than just interesting. The film promises a compelling watch with the establishment of the main character and that fantastic 'Rear Window' reminding sequences that follows. If not for that strained progression of the rest of the story this could have been really something else. 2nd time watch made the film more sensible but a little careless-mistakes-arising at the same time too, but didn't even give a slight tiredness throughout the end. Manikandan is more cautious and definitely a socially responsible filmmaker who never miss to portray them in his films. Kudos. After Kakkamuttai, Manikandan comes up with an completely different thriller based on a guy struggling with Tunnel Vision.

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