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It so badly wants to be the modern "entourage" but fails in every way, been getting exponentially worse/corny since season. Show had real potential in the beginning, but the creators are now just looking to get paid, and get out. Reviewed in the United States on August 31, 2019 Elizabeth Warren? Seriously? Enough is enough.... Reviewed in the United States on September 22, 2019 Of course it's Entorage in the NFL. Entorage was a good show, and a good premise. With the buy-in of real NFL stars and some good performances from the Rock, Corddry, and Washington, it started as a feel good "behind the scenes" look at the league. The problem is that a behind the scenes show not produced by the NFL has to honestly acknowledge some very problematic things. Ballers earned its legitimacy in handling difficult topics in the ways it seems to anticipate issues that have come up in the league since the show has begun, but anyone really looking for the truth likely isn't surprised. Is it preachy? Only if you're on a particular side of history that may not enjoy the tenacity of particular cultural movements in this day.

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