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Physical geography of central Aztlan is very similar to Peru. ) Logan: Grendel (Mostly Norse with a hint of Saami and Mongol. Also they herd mammoths and reindeer. Physical geography of the Grendel homeland is very similar to Iceland but with some areas of mammoth steppe. ) King Michael I: Ishga (Victorian Britain but cyberpunk. Also is an ecumenopolis that draws a lot of inspiration from Star Wars's Coruscant. ) Rohit: Bharatam (Massive multiethnic empire whose constituent cultures generally draw inspiration from various south Asian cultures, but his specific culture (Bharatam's heartland) is mostly inspired by the Mauryan and Mughal Empires. Physical geography of Bharatam varies from place to place, but Rohit's native town is in an area most closely resembling the Indian states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in terms of physical geography. ) Aoife: Amorican (Celtic Gaul with some Irish, Numidian, and Rhaetian influence. Physical geography of Amorica is very similar to the US state of California. )

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For the last two years I've help my own personal rankings of the television shows I watch. I figured I'd share it with Reddit. A couple of points before you look through them. I've ranked about 70-80 shows. Here are the top 50. I watch a lot of TV, thanks to my DVR and work schedule, but I can't watch everything. I also hate picking up a series midway through, so a show like "Breaking Bad" isn't listed because I've not caught up with it yet. "Sons of Anarchy" and "Mad Men" are examples of shows that I've caught up with, and are now doing very well. These rankings are not all-time rankings. They are a sample of my opinion of the show in the present period. If multiple shows were on my DVR, what show would I be most excited to watch considering the current plot. A show like "Pawn Stars" or "Storage Wars" does very well in the rankings, not because they are great shows, but because I find them entertaining. A show like "Revenge" could be the best written show on television, but if an episode or two bores me, it's ranking will be affected.

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Nicholas le chiede di poter cenare insieme al suo ritorno e salendo in taxi, Claire gli propone di prendere un caffè insieme all'aeroporto prima che lei parta. Produzione [ modifica | modifica wikitesto] Iniziato nell'agosto 1996, il film fu girato quasi totalmente a San Francisco, città in cui è ambientato il racconto. Alcune scene di azione furono girate in zone degradate di Los Angeles, mentre il risveglio del protagonista dalla perdita di coscienza, indotta dal tè drogato, avviene nel cimitero di Mexicali, oltre il confine col Messico. La sontuosa dimora dell'agente finanziario fu situata nella tenuta di Filoli, 25 miglia a sud di San Francisco, in una villa di 43 camere, costruita all'inizio del XX secolo e meta di visite guidate. [1] L'uso di luci soffuse si rese necessario per le riprese girate nell'antica cucina, ormai inutilizzata e conservata a fini turistici. Per quanto riguarda San Francisco sono facilmente identificabili l'inconfondibile forma (tra la nave e la torta nuziale) dello Sheraton Palace Hotel, costruito nel 1875, il Letterman Hospital e il molo 24, dal quale il taxi su cui viaggiava Nicholas Van Orton precipita in mare.