Streaming Violetta Saison 2


:) But, I tell you what, binge watching SATC is killing me. 6 seasons! I can't do it. Had to pause here at Season 5. This show can really fill a void in one's life, if one finds oneself without close friends due to a job relocation or other life changing event. It's like being the 5th person at the table during one of their brunches. And, just waiting to see what whacky hairstyle/outfit Carrie is going to try on next makes the time spent so worth it. I would, however, like to point out as someone who was raised Catholic: I think it is unlikely a priest would allow a lawyer to dictate the terms of a baptism. That's dramatic license, I guess. Does fit Miranda's character! Reviewed in the United States on June 13, 2004 Verified Purchase As a devotee of Sex and the City, I never wanted to admit that anything was wrong with the show... until I saw Season 5. A lot of people will say that Season 5 is what's wrong with SATC, but I say that Season 5 is what's RIGHT about the show! Season 5 is the most realistic of all six seasons.

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